
  Using my God List this morning, to have a Praise-Fest! Lord, today as my heart is heavy, I choose to focus on your glory, goodness and character rather than to magnify the “dust mites” of life. God, thank you that you are the God of all comfort. Thank you that you personally comfort me,…

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Quiet Time “Smorgasbord”

smor·gas·bord [smawr-guhs-bawrd, -bohrd or, often, shmawr-] noun 1. a buffet meal of various hot and cold hors d’oeuvres, salads, casserole dishes, meats, cheeses, etc. extensive array or variety: The company has a smorgasbord of employee benefits. Don’t you love a good smorgasbord? Buffets are always so much fun! Although we typically mean FOOD when we…

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