heather williams

Today’s song special to add to your “From Trial to Triumph” play list is an amazing song by Heather Williams, called, simply, Hallalujah.

Heather Williams sings this song with such passion that I feel as if she can see into my heart and cries out for me. I must admit that this song is a “go to” for me when I am challenged. As I sing the words to this song and actually welcome them getting “stuck in my head,” the prayer I offer to God helps settle my spirit.

This is a video that includes the lyrics for this beautiful song:

The lyrics are below:

Jesus, please come
please come today
hear me
heal me
be near me I pray

I have fallen so far
flat on my face
I’m in need of your grace today
I stumble and fall
but in spite of it all
your love always stays the same


Jesus, please come
please come today
break me
mold me
use me I pray
but don’t give up on me now
I’m so close to you now
I’m in need of your grace today
wipe the dirt off my face
hold me in your embrace
your love always saves the day


I have fallen so far
flat on my face
I’m in need of your grace today

Sing Hallelujah
Sing Hallelujah
Sing Hallelujah amen

On my knees here I fall
in spite of it all

And though it seems hard
I’m still trusting you Lord



You can purchase this song at Amazon here or at iTunes here.


Download this song and memorize it. Sing your heart out along with it and ask God to make the truth real in your life.

If you don’t have an mp3 player or iDevice, then play the video here and sing with it until the words take root.

Share with us here what you think!