Return to Praise-Fest!

There are days when the only way to start the day is with gratitude and praise. So, given that fact, I am going to just praise my God here, using attributes and actions that are on my God List. God, you create a shelter and shade in the heat of the day–you are a refuge…

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Miracles and Moments of Grace for Moms

A ten year old,  autism spectrum boy, a “magical” connection with a formerly abused mustang, and a “Forbidden Ride” are components of a story found in the pages of a newly released book called Miracles and Moments of Grace: Inspiring Stories From Moms. This is a (true) story I wrote about my son and one…

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Quiet Time “Smorgasbord”

smor·gas·bord [smawr-guhs-bawrd, -bohrd or, often, shmawr-] noun 1. a buffet meal of various hot and cold hors d’oeuvres, salads, casserole dishes, meats, cheeses, etc. extensive array or variety: The company has a smorgasbord of employee benefits. Don’t you love a good smorgasbord? Buffets are always so much fun! Although we typically mean FOOD when we…

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Praisefest Time!

I have just added to my God List in Evernote from Psalm 33 and Isaiah 33. Now I am going to spend time praising him with what I found. I thought I would do so journaling it…typing it as I go…so you can see what it might look like. Ordinarily, I would do this out…

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