Heidi Bylsma has over 30 years of experience leading God’s people in worshiping Him through music. Whether it be with a worship team or just Heidi and her guitar, she offers herself first to God and then to the people as a catalyst to foster their own praise and worship. Her goal is to be small in the eyes of people, and to focus all attention on the Lord.
Heidi doesn’t have a showy approach to leading worship. She hopes that through the experience of worshiping the Lord together, people will be inspired to pursue greater intimacy with Jesus Christ.
She has led youth groups, women’s retreats, and Sunday worship services to praise and exalt the Lord.
Heidi’s greatest gifts lie in her passion for spending time with God’s people lifting up their voices in worship of an amazing God.
Contact Heidi for more information about how you can have her come and lead your group in an intimate worship experience.