

Having a praise-fest from the things I added to my God List today in Isaiah 57 and Psalm 57. Highlighting my favorites:
– You are my refuge.
– You are the High and lofty One
– You live forever and Your name is Holy
– You live in a high and holy place
– You also live with the one who is contrite and lowly in spirit
– You revive the spirit of the lowly and the heart of the contrite.
– You see us and choose to heal.
– You guide us and restore comfort to us.
– You speak peace over us
– You have mercy on me.
– The shadow of Your wings provide refuge for me where I can hide.
– You respond when I cry out to you, God Most High.
– You fulfill your purpose for me.
– You send from Heaven and Save me
– You send your love and faithfulness
– You are exalted above the heavens
– Your glory is over all the earth.
– Your love is great, reaching to the heavens
– Your faithfulness reaches to the skies.
– You are exalted above the heavens.
– Your glory is over all the earth.