One of the best things we can do to experience transformation and the renewing of our minds is memorize Scripture. The playing of Christian music is one way of getting godly thoughts bathing our minds, but another very practical way is to let God write His Word on our hearts.
I seek you with all my heart;
do not let me stray from your commands.
I have hidden your word in my heart
that I might not sin against you.
Praise be to you, O Lord;
teach me your decrees.Psalm 119:10-12
Like the Psalmist, we can hide God’s Word in our hearts and this will help us to think differently and to ACT differently which is what this blog series is about as we go through a trial!
One of the best apps I enjoy almost daily on my iPad is called, simply, Bible Memory Verses, written by a developer named Woody Hays. In fact, it was just updated yesterday!

I love this app. Since the Navigators Bible Memory System, I haven’t had something that has been SO helpful in bringing God’s Word home to my heart. This little app, is incredibly helpful.
After the splash screen, you tap and end on the main menu.

Here, you have a listing of a number of options, including one that isn’t shown in the shot above, “Settings.” You can choose the bible version you want for your verses from English Standard Version, King James, New American Standard, and New International Version. The app includes 1000 verses in each of these four translations. There are other options you can set as well.
You can look up verses to memorize topically, including verses on: God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, Sin, Forgiveness, Prayer, Faith, Relationships, Money, Plan of Salvation, etc. You can also add your own verses.

As you select verses to memorize or add your own, they become a part of your “My Verses” list. You can select icons such as a heart icon (I use that once I have memorized the verse), a target icon (I use that for ones I am avidly working on memorizing), and a little dot (I use that to indicate verses I haven’t really started working on, but plan to).
Another favorite feature of mine is the ability to make an audio recording of me reciting the verse. I use that to help me learn the verse as well.

Between the audio recording feature and another handy feature where words are replaced for blanks, there is really NO way I can’t learn these verses! 🙂

But if I need yet another tool, there are flash cards! First side one with the reference:

I then try to pull the verse from my memory and say it. Tap, and it “flips” and shows me side 2:

If I want to have God’s Word in my heart and in my mind–a perfect way of allowing Him to transform me by the renewing of my mind according to the truth, this app is indispensable for me!
How about giving it a try? Visit iTunes at this link, download it and select two verses to start memorizing. I would love to know which verses you are memorizing!